Cyber Monday! 
Monday, December 2, 2013, 10:44 AM
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Can't get my mom, dad, sister, or child, etc. to take care of their tree? What should I do to help?

One non intrusive way and a great Christmas present is a gift certificate to Ryan Bansky EXPERT TREE SERVICE! We have a gift certificate available in any dollar amount that can be applied for your family's tree care needs. It is a great gift for someone who has everything and even a better way to ensure that they will address their arbor care needs!
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Happy Thanksgiving!! 
Tuesday, November 26, 2013, 04:27 PM
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We would like to extend our thanks to you our loyal clients for making us one of the premiere tree services of South Jersey. This year we enter our 13th year in business and we have a lot to be thankful for. A few that should be mentioned are:
1) Justin Tracy: one of our climbers came back from Afghanistan safely after 1 year of service to our country
2) Donations to charity were increased
3) We have another office manager
4) Our existing office manager will graduate nursing school in the spring
5) Purchased stump removal machine and trailer
6) Consistant work all year
7) New equiptment (ie. saws, etc) wer purchased to update our tools
8) Bills were paid
9) New business relationships formed
10) Many new happy customers were services along with our loyal clients
11) 2 of our staff will have children later this year!
Of course the list goes on and on!
We trust you and your family will take the time to reflect on all the blessings and we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Ryan Bansky EXPERT TREE SERVICE!
Have a safe and fun holiday :)
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 03:29 PM
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If you did not read in the paper on 10-30-13 there was a tragic death in our industry. Cameron Lyon of Lyon & Son Tree Service passed away after falling while working in a tree from failing to use his safety harness. It was a simple mistake that ended in tragedy, but it was a major reminder to all that one always has to be focused on doing their job safely and not skipping any procedures. We have committed to being more focused on safety in 2014 as we all should be. We will greatly miss our friend and we would ask you to pray for his wife and 4 children at this time. Cameron you are missed everyday!!
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Why Aeration is Important! 
Tuesday, October 8, 2013, 03:27 PM
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Golf courses do it 4 times a year for a rean. Among the benefit received with the core aeration process are: Relieves soil compaction, promotes deeper healthier roots, allows air and nutrients to ge the roots, loosens thatch, and is a great compliment to the seeding process. Although it will be too late to seed as we get further into fall, it is never too late to core aerate. We can do a core aeration any time until the ground is frozen and your lawn will benefit from all the above benefits plus some I did not mention. We don't recommend waiting until March becase we are putting down crabgress barriers then and the core aeration process can not be done if we are to control crabgrass effectively. However, February (if the ground temperatures permit) is an option.

This was an article from our friends at Greenside Up! If you need them give them a call at (856) 547-4850.
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Get your yard ready 
Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 04:19 PM
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1) Are your trees and plant materials safe for winter?

What to do:
Be observant! This means taking a slow walk around your property to look at all your plant material FROM ALL SIDES!

Things to look for:
1) Dead limb or trees:
-When trees are in bloom and a limb has n leaves the limb is dead or diseased it should be addressed.
-If a tree is declining where a majority of the limbs or the crown (the top) of the tree is over 40% dead a removal is recommended.
-If a tree has cavities (holes) from previous damage, limb removal, decay etc., it may be compromised. A cavity 30% or more in a limb or trunk is present a removal is recommended.

2) Peeling bark or fruited bodies on the limbs, trunk or roots are a sign of rot and decay. Fruited bodies are basically a mushroom type growth that presents itself when decay is present.
-Are the roots heaving? If a tree is suddenly leaning and the roots and ground have raised or come out of the ground it warrants immediate removal.
-Are there extremely wet areas on your property? When the ground is extremely or constantly wet the roots that stabilize a tree will be rooted in mud which is a recipe fro blown over trees in high wind, wet snow, ice, etc. if at all possible remove plant material that may be at risk or have a professional fix the drainage issues in your yard by installing drains or changing the directions of water flow from downspouts.

3) Examine the foliage of your trees and shrubs for unusual spots, bugs, chew marks, curling of leaves or decline in appearance. This can be the sign of bug, disease or stress that can ruin plant material.
-Look for limbs that are too close to the structures on your property. If limbs are laying on your root or rubbing on your siding they will not only allow animals and insects to enter your structure but they can cause damage to the structure. Limbs on roots can rub off the roof shingles or rip off the shingles causing multitude of costly repairs. Limbs against a structure can destroy siding, paint, windows, screen, gutters, etc.
-Limbs over roofs should be 15-20’ above the roof. (Just because limbs extend over the roof does not necessarily mean they are dangerous)
-Limbs against a structure should be cut back approximately 5-10’ to protect the building.

4) Preventative maintenance to do list:
-Trim limbs to a safe healthy distance from structures and pedestrian areas
-Remove dead/declining trees, limbs or plant material
-Install strapping material in large shrubs especially evergreens to protect from breaking or peeling apart in wet snow or ice.
-Trim trees or shrubs as needed to protect against wet snow, ice, or heavy rain
-Fix areas in your property if possible where water collects or lingers too long after wet weather conditions

**Always walk your property after any storm that is severe. Many people do not take 5 minutes to look around after a storm. Just because limbs or trees did not fall during a storm does not mean that broken/cracked limbs may not be in trees or that trees may not be ready to fail as a result of other issues!
**When in doubt call a professional Certified Arborist to assist you!

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