Poison IVY! Leaves of three leave them be. 
Monday, August 12, 2013, 01:35 PM
Warning! With high humidty, rain and heat poison ivy runs rampent this time of the year. The phrase leaves of three leave them be is always the way to look at a vine or plant you are unsure of. Poison plants whether poison ivy,sumac, or poson oak will typically have three leaves to them and also have a certain tint of color or shine to them. If you see a plant or vine that is questionable please stay away from it. If you are allergic to these plants you can get it through the air or by the oils itself.

How can I get rid of it?
1)Consult a professional spraying company
2)Purchase sprayable products at the local home store that is specific to the poison plant
3) Cut large vines to stop the vine from growing and spray herbicide on the pants and vines as needed.

When in doubt stay clear!
**If you have trouble identifying the plants look it up on the internet or consult a professional/friend that is familiar with what it looks like.

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